I’m Not Lazy…Am I?

“Lazy” is a sticky label. The word is annoyingly accurate, an on-target description of those moments when we possess the energy and capacity to do something worthwhile, and though there’s nothing particular blocking us from doing it, we just don’t. No doubt my mother saw the truth of my inaction back in my teenage days, …

Music: A New Venture

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJj1V0sUbxA It's a real thing: I've recorded an EP (thanks to Nickels Hawkeye!), and it's almost out there.  It's called GOTTA GO ON, and there are five tracks available. Nickels was great to work with and did really quality engineering on the project, and while it's not perfect (in terms of my own performance), much …

100 Things I Know #2 – There Must Be Something Larger Than Us

My reading in the Bible’s Psalms this morning contained passages in which the writer described our lives as smoke, and, whether rich or poor, our years as a breath.   Believer and atheist alike can accept this as ancient wisdom, an exercise in perspective. Our experience sets us in the middle of things, as if we …

“Insulated By Thick Layers of Insensibility”

"Where men live huddled together without true communication, there seems to be greater sharing and a more genuine communion.  But this is not communion, only immersion in the general meaninglessness of countless slogans and clichés repeated over and over again so that in the end one listens without hearing and responds without thinking. The constant …

100 Things I Know #13 – Grace is Necessary, Present, and Uncontrollable

Grace is necessary. We can achieve by ourselves, thank you very much.   If we’re in need of repair (which we are, given that Something Is Wrong), we can also fix ourselves.   We have capacities to control both positive and negative energy, and for good or ill, most of the time, we are the responsible party.   …